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Riverside Community Care
Riverside Early Head Start is a comprehensive early childhood program that partners with parents to promote children’s healthy development.
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DHSP Multi-Service Center (MSC)
Contact the MSC if you are living on the street, in emergency shelters or at risk of losing your housing and need help.
We serve LGBTQ+ youth through support, health, advocacy, education, and resources. We are committed to social justice and creating, sustaining, and advocating for services for LGBTQ youth.
Cambridge Health Alliance
Our Primary Care experts can help you and your family live your healthiest lives. We offer Primary Care, Women's Health services, our PACE Program for older adults, and our CHA Pharmacy.
Cambridge Police Department, DHSP Cambridge Youth Programs, Cambridge Public Schools, and Cambridge Public Health Department
Our partnership fosters positive development, mental health, safe schools and communities, and limiting juvenile justice involvement through prevention, intervention and diversion services for youth.
Cambridge Police Department
We investigate domestic related assaults and abuse incidents and provide an advocate to help survivors obtain community services and develop safety plans.
Bay Cove Human Services
We are one of two shelters in Massachusetts that accept people who are using drugs and alcohol and are homeless.
Registration required
Casa Myrna
We are Boston’s largest provider of domestic violence awareness efforts and of shelter and supportive services to survivors.
City of Cambridge, Spaulding Rehabilitation Network and Hospital, and Bay Cove Human Services
This is a new, city-funded temporary emergency homeless shelter at the Spaulding Hospital will host 58 beds and serve as an adult homeless shelter for guests who test negative for COVID-19.
Catholic Charities
We are an emergency shelter for homeless women. Guests receive referrals for health care, mental health services, educational services, and housing.
Massachusetts Department of Housing & Community Development
In addition to shelter, we offer case management, workshops and trainings, supplemental resources, seasonal support, and more to 126 families in shelter.
On The Rise
We are a daytime, drop-in shelter for unhoused women, trans, and non-binary people where they can find the relationships, safety and resources they need to move out of homelessness.
We provide several support services for senior citizens in Cambridge each year including regular outreach meetings, education on common scams or general safety, and our Secret Santa for Seniors event.
Jewish Family and Children's Service (JF&CS)
We help aging individuals and their families navigate life transitions and changing circumstances through a variety of support services.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts
This is our traditional program where adult mentors are paired with children ages 7-12. Bigs agree to meet Littles for 3 hours, a couple of times a month.
Application required
Phillips Brooks House Association
We provide affordable and accessible afterschool programming, primarily with immigrant families.
Riverside offers a structured, therapeutic after-school program for children from the Somerville and Cambridge area ages 6-12 that present with significant emotional and/or behavioral challenges.
DHSP Community Learning Center
Two free CNA training programs that include job placement, hands on training through Labouré College and the cost of the exam itself. Transportation provided from Cambridge.
The CLC offers six levels of English conversation, grammar, reading, and writing classes for Cambridge residents. There are daytime and evening classes. We do not offer online-only classes.
Cambridge Council on Aging
Council on Aging offers a wide range of social services and is committed to meeting the needs of seniors.
Heading Home
We provide shelter, transitional & permanent housing + support services to extremely low-income homeless/formerly homeless adult individuals & families with children in Cambridge & Greater Boston.
AIDS Action Committee and Fenway Health
This is a program that provides a drop-in center for homeless and street-involved youth, ages 14-24, in Harvard Square, Cambridge.
The Welcome Project
We provide language and interpretation classes, youth programs, multicultural community events, and other supports for immigrant families, regardless of status.
Enroot Education
Are you looking for a great way to give back to the community? Consider partnering with immigrant high school students in the Cambridge/Somerville community through Enroot!
U.S. Social Security Administration
A free program that can help Social Security beneficiaries go to work, get a good job that may lead to a career, and become financially independent.
Health Care for All
The Helpline is here to answer your questions about health insurance in Massachusetts and troubleshoot issues with state programs.
Fenway Health
Educational programs, resources, and consultation to health care organizations with the goal of optimizing quality, cost-effective health care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people
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