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Outside Cambridge
We sustain and grow an engaged community focused on the mental health needs of Black women and girls using resources, content, and experiences that present relevant and accessible information.
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We are the largest anti-sexual violence organization in the United States with programs that prevent sexual violence, help survivors, and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice.
We are the national resource to disrupt and prevent unhealthy relationships and intimate partner violence by empowering young people through inclusive and equitable education, support, and resources.
We are here to serve the entire community, by providing free & confidential peer-support, information, and local resources through national hotlines and online programs for LGBTQIA+ folks.
We are the largest nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders.
We ensure that people from racial, ethnic and sexual/gender marginalized populations with or at-risk for mental health and substance use issues can access quality care, thrive, and achieve well-being.
We access to services and supports to meet the mental health needs of individuals of all ages; enabling them to live, work and participate in their communities.
Mid Cambridge
General admission is free for every visitor. We look forward to seeing you!
The Harvard Film Archive's cinematheque presents films Friday through Monday nights year round. The HFA is known for screening films in the original formats and often hosting filmmakers in person.
The Port
The mission of the Margaret Fuller House is to strengthen and empower youth, families, and community residents.
Child Behavioral Health Innovation and Training Center
Cambridge Highlands
Olympia Fencing Center is Boston's largest and most successful fencing club. We promote an active lifestyle through sport, teaching the Olympic sport of fencing, a sport for everyone!
We are a City department dedicated to ensuring women and girls equal economic, social, political, and educational opportunities throughout the city.
East Cambridge
We offer diverse, high-quality programs promoting leadership and youth development through enrichment activities, unique experiences, and opportunities to develop relationships with adults and peers.
The Peace Commission promotes peace and social justice within Cambridge and in the wider world.
CHRC investigates complaints of discrimination that occur in Cambridge; in housing, employment, education, and public accommodations.
Cambridgeport, Mid Cambridge, Riverside, and The Port
Baby U is a parenting support program that offers 14 weeks of workshops and home visits for families living in Cambridge.
We offer a range of educational and recreational activities in a safe afterschool environment where all are welcome.
Area 2, East Cambridge, and The Port
Using exhibitions, hands-on activities, and renowned collections, we inspire people of all ages about the possibilities and opportunities offered by science and technology.
We support youth with special needs in afterschool and summer programs so that they can have a successful experience.
The Recreation Department provides quality, affordable and accessible recreational opportunities for residents of all ages in well-designed and maintained facilities.
OWD offers employment programs for both young people and adults to help them build skills, gain access to opportunities, and work towards the careers they seek.
We provide afterschool care for children in Cambridge.
Helping children between the ages of 7 and 12 (Littles) in under-resourced families thrive through one-to-one relationships with caring adult mentors (Bigs).
The Foundry provides space and programs for the visual & performing arts, entrepreneurship, technology, & workforce education at the intersection of East Cambridge and Kendall Square.
We entertain and inform people about the uniquely American art of Jazz through exceptional live performances and to provide inspiration and scholarships for young musicians in Cambridge.
We are the oldest nationally-focused bi+ organization in the U.S. that advocates for bisexual visibility and raises awareness about bisexuality throughout the LGBT and straight communities.
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