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The Port
BioBuilder is a education nonprofit established in 2011 that offers open-access synthetic biology curriculum, and programs to students and teachers around the world.
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We present feature films, documentaries, animation, and shorts from around the world for both adults and children to capture the mind and stimulate discussion!
Outside Cambridge
We manage workforce development and labor to ensure workers have protection, tools, and training to succeed.
We provide public access to original materials and educational experiences about Mary Baker Eddy and the ideas she advanced through a variety of programs for adults and children.
Cambridge Highlands and North Cambridge
The MassHire Metro North Career Center creates and sustains powerful connections between businesses and job seekers through a statewide network of employment professionals.
The Massachusetts Promise Fellowship places 40 AmeriCorps Fellows in nonprofit organizations, city agencies, and schools for a year of service supporting youth development programs.
GLSEN strives to assure that each member of every school community is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression.
Greater Boston PFLAG works to create environments of understanding so that all people can live with dignity and respect through:
Exceptional Lives provides trustworthy, easy-to-read information for parents of children with developmental disabilities.
Mid Cambridge and Neighborhood 9
We have become a place of sanctuary and public service to the diverse community around us. Everyone is welcome here.
Area 2
We help understand and treat human diseases using the power of research.
We are an immigrant organization building the collective power of immigrants to participate in and shape community decisions.
Neighborhood 9 and West Cambridge
Imagine a church that is glad you're here no matter where you are on the journey of life or faith.
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