Dance Complex
We are a dance studio and school serving people from a wide range of ages by offering a space for the creation, study, and performance of dance.
536 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
United States
Cambridgeport and The Port
Hours of operation
- This organization does not have specific hours. You can contact them at any time.
Additional information
The Dance Complex is a 25+ year old central hub of dance- locally, with connections to the New England region and in dialogue with the inter/national dance field. Our building, an 1884-circa Odd Fellow’s Hall in the heart of Central Square, Cambridge, is a home to a diverse range of movers and dancers. This unique arts center hosts professional, pre-professional, and recreational movers. All are able to find a variety of movement and dance classes to take their next step. All can access affordable studio space, and participate in programs to help strengthen their choreographic, performance, and production skills. Those who dance, teach and create within our studios receive valued space in a supportive environment for affordable rental rates.
536 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
United States
Cambridgeport and The Port
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Last updated April 12, 2024.