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Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA)
We offer employment training and education programs for TAFDC clients including Young Parents Program, DTA Works Internship, Office of Refugee and Immigrants Program, and more!
Application required
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Lawyers for Civil Rights Boston
We currently provided a list of resources, information, and legal advice for people of color and immigrants.
Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee (CEOC)
We can help you with many housing-related services, including signing up for the Cambridge Affordable Housing list, preventing eviction, resolving issues with property managers, and more.
Registration required
Just A Start
We work to stabilize housing for eligible Cambridge tenants through mediation and dispute resolution services.
Cambridge Police Department
Our cadet training program is a paid, benefitted full-time position with a two-year commitment for Cambridge residents between ages of 18-23 who are interested in pursuing a career in public safety.
Parkour Generations Boston
This program is designed to help youth to acquire the professional skills and coaching experience needed for working within the parkour industry, while also building valuable professional skills.
City of Cambridge, DHSP Multi-Service Center (MSC), and Community Development Department
The City of Cambridge can help address concerns and questions about housing resources, tenants, homeowners, landlords and property management companies, and court-related information.
Office of Workforce Development (OWD)
We offer summer jobs to Cambridge teens, from age 14 through the summer after they graduate high school.
Cambridge Housing Authority
We are a paid job readiness training program for teens and young adults.
The Network/La Red
Our 24-hour free & confidential hotline provides emotional support, information, referrals, safety planning, and crisis intervention for LGBTQ+, kink, & polyamorous survivors of partner abuse.
Maria L. Baldwin Community Center (formerly Agassiz Baldwin)
Counselors-in-Training are part of the Youth Employment Program (YEP) where youth have fun at summer camp and earn $75 for completing responsibilities during their session.
The CSUS Summer Program is for students who would like to participate in STEAM-based projects and fun activities.
Cambridge Human Rights Commission (CHRC)
Our Immigration Services assist individuals to process immigrant visa or becoming a permanent resident.
DHSP Cambridge Youth Programs
Our teen program offers paid internships that prepare you for a healthy and productive life.
Lawyers Clearinghouse
Lawyers Clearinghouse connects people in need of free legal assistance with volunteer lawyers who can assist them with civil legal matters on a pro bono basis.
Offers people who have Massachusetts-based criminal records (CORI) the opportunity to seal or expunge their records with free assistance from volunteer lawyers.
We connect Massachusetts nonprofits with pro bono legal assistance, education, and resources to help them strengthen their operations and support their communities.
Adolescent Consultation Services (ACS)
We work to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline by offering children mental health services that improve their long-term health and well-being.
Salvation Army
Bridging The Gap enriches the lives of teenagers through a life-skills curriculum, self-improvement activities, site visits, and community service projects.
We host a 6-week academy designed to expose participating youth to various duties associated with law enforcement as a profession through the Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program.
We are a youth workforce development program for out-of-school youth ages 16 - 24 from Boston Metro North communities. Students work towards their HiSET while developing workforce readiness skills.
We are a comprehensive after-school educational enrichment and work-readiness program for low-income teens in Cambridge public housing.
DHSP Multi-Service Center (MSC)
Contact the MSC if you are living on the street, in emergency shelters or at risk of losing your housing and need help.
Office of Workforce Development (OWD) and Cambridge STEAM Initiative
We help students in Cambridge, especially those from low-income families and other under-resourced communities, find internships in local STEAM organizations and companies.
We are dedicated to closing the students' skills gap so they can progress into successful summer internships in life sciences companies and academic labs.
Innovators for Purpose
World changers have a rare combination of creativity, tech savviness and passion. Come develop your world changing superpowers with other iFp Teens in our school year summer and internships.
Cambridge Police Department, DHSP Cambridge Youth Programs, Cambridge Public Schools, and Cambridge Public Health Department
Our partnership fosters positive development, mental health, safe schools and communities, and limiting juvenile justice involvement through prevention, intervention and diversion services for youth.
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