Contact Find It Cambridge anytime.
Cambridge Police Department
Our cadet training program is a paid, benefitted full-time position with a two-year commitment for Cambridge residents between ages of 18-23 who are interested in pursuing a career in public safety.
Registration required
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Our online platform lets you learn with teachers around the world who will bring tomorrow’s science into today’s classrooms.
Cambridge Housing Authority
We are a paid job readiness training program for teens and young adults.
Women Accelerators
Our mentoring program is a great way to cultivate professional relationships and facilitate career growth. Whether you are a mentor or a mentee we all have something to learn.
Application required
Just A Start
We are a youth workforce development program for out-of-school youth ages 16 - 24 from Boston Metro North communities. Students work towards their HiSET while developing workforce readiness skills.
Cambridge Public Library
We offer lots of free events throughout the year for people of all ages with a love of learning!
Massachusetts Promise Fellowship
MPF is recruiting Fellows to serve youth in grades 6-12 in schools, city agencies, and nonprofits across the state! Apply today!
Learn how to navigate internet browsers, search engines and websites.
Saturday, March 29, 2025
1:30PM – 2:30PM
Looking for some basic computer or mobile device guidance?
2:30PM – 3PM
3PM – 3:30PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
10AM – 12PM
Mid Cambridge
Neighborhood 9 and West Cambridge
A unified system with a strong main library and six active branch libraries each tailored to the unique needs of its neighborhood.
Wellington Harrington
North Cambridge
We provide and preserve affordable housing, offer education and training for youth and adults, and build community engagement.