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Cambridge Public Health Department
Our guide is a great way to learn about and connect to free and low-cost foods in Cambridge.
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Salvation Army
We offer nutritious food to those in need, no questions asked! Individuals and families can receive help once per week.
We provide lunch at noon every day and a continental breakfast six days each week through our drop-in Day Shelter.
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
Since 1999, we've been offering community meals that are open to all (twice per month from September to June).
Harvard Square Churches Meal Program
We operate a community supper each Thursday evening at Christ Church Cambridge.
First Korean Church in Cambridge
Every Saturday, we open our place to the people in need and provide them with hot meals.
Faith Lutheran Church
We distribute free, prepared to-go meals twice each month on the second and last Tuesday evenings.
East End House
Our food pantry provides individuals and families in need with fresh fruits and vegetables, canned and dry goods, meats, and dairy products.
Registration required
Margaret Fuller Neighborhood House (MFNH)
We offer a food services program that provides emergency food to over 16,000 individuals and families each year.
St. Paul Parish
We are distributing free bags of fresh vegetables, bread, and other food items every Saturday morning.
Cambridge Community Center
Our food and supply pantry is open to all on a first come, first served basis until supplies run out.
Cambridge Women's Center
Our drop-in is open to eight people at a time. Check website for updated hours. Use a computer, cook in the kitchen, get help from a volunteer, pick up food & supplies, T-passes, clothing closet.
Daily Table Central Square
We are a nonprofit community grocery store in Central Square, Dorchester, Mattapan, Roxbury, and Salem, MA. We accept SNAP and welcome you to use it on all the food in our stores!
Cambridge Health Alliance
We provide nutritional counseling, healthy food benefits, workshops, education, breastfeeding support, and referrals to health and community resources at no cost to eligible Massachusetts families.
Cambridge Coordinated Access Network (C-CAN)
This pocket guide contains information on many different types of resources that may be useful to individuals and families who are homeless
Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA)
SNAP benefits are provided by the federal government and administered by DTA.
Our online platform lets you learn with teachers around the world who will bring tomorrow’s science into today’s classrooms.
MIT Open Space Programming
Enjoy a selection of local, family-owned and operated food trucks every Tuesday through Thursday in the Kendall/MIT Open Space, with plenty of outdoor seating options available!
Cambridge Council on Aging
SCES and Cambridge Senior Centers offering lunches Monday through Thursday.
The Network/La Red
Safehome: Up to 1 month stay in a confidential location for an individual or family. Transitional Housing: Up to two years of rental assistance for up to 16 survivors and their families.
Our 24-hour free & confidential hotline provides emotional support, information, referrals, safety planning, and crisis intervention for LGBTQ+, kink, & polyamorous survivors of partner abuse.
City of Cambridge, Bay Cove Human Services, and Department of Human Service Programs (DHSP)
The Winter Warming Center is a welcoming and safe drop-in center where unsheltered adults can spend the night and be safe from the environmental hazards of the street during the winter months.
Just A Start
JAS Biomedical Careers Program provides nine months of intensive training to prepare adults for entry-level careers in the life sciences.
Navigation Games
To get people outside, we've created orienteering courses throughout the city of Cambridge to get you and your family outside and moving around. Check out our map courses on our website!
Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee (CEOC)
Our Food Pantry offers fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, canned goods, eggs and frozen meats for Cambridge families and individuals who need support.
We offer help in applying for SNAP/Food Stamps or completing annual recertifications and interim reports. We can also help you resolve problems that may lead to loss or reduction of benefits.
MathTalk PBC
MathTalk is seeking families with children 4-8 years old to pilot the "Math! Everywhere!" app! Families will earn "MathBuck$," redeemable at local businesses. Scan the QR code on the flier to sign up!
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