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Cambridge Office of Early Childhood (OEC)
Here is a list of all the licensed childcare centers in Cambridge (and some in Somerville).
Registration required
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Here is a list of all the licensed, private individual childcare options in Cambridge (and some in Somerville).
DHSP Inclusion Initiative , Department of Human Service Programs (DHSP), DHSP Cambridge Youth Programs, DHSP Childcare Afterschool Programs, and DHSP Community Schools
Supporting youth with special needs in afterschool/summer programming.
This guide gives caregivers a quick and easy format to read through their summer camp options and reach out to staff for assistance.
A home visiting programs' primary purpose is to support and encourage parents and caregivers, share information, and connect families with resources in their home and/or a convenient location.
Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR)
As part of our effort to enhance our state's natural, cultural, and recreational destinations, this search tool allows you to find a list of all our pools near your area.
Parkour Generations Boston
We run parkour classes in various parks throughout Cambridge and Somerville during the school year. No special equipment or prior experience needed.
Cambridge Public Schools
The Student Registration Center processes all school registrations for Cambridge Public Schools.
Special Start is Cambridge Public Schools’ preschool program for students with disabilities. The program provides services for preschool aged children 3 to 5 years of age.
Henry Street Farms
Henry Street Farms will provide one vegetable or herb seedling to each Cambridge, MA student willing to commit to caring for a plant, until we run out of seedlings. Pre-schoolers are also eligible.
Application required
Jose Mateo Ballet Theatre
We offer summer ballet classes and dance programs, primarily for children of all levels ages 3-10 years-old.
LetGoYourMind STEM
We offer STEM programs at various locations across New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts to children ages 4-13.
The Network/La Red
Safehome: Up to 1 month stay in a confidential location for an individual or family. Transitional Housing: Up to two years of rental assistance for up to 16 survivors and their families.
Agenda for Children Literacy Initiative
We visit moms and dads of young children at a convenient location to share information about early literacy development, talking and reading with children, and community resources.
Rock and Roll Daycare
A Music focused, emergent based curriculum and culturally immersive early education program. Professional live music classes everyday for every age group! Diapers, snacks and lunch are included!
Solutions at Work
We offer a wide inventory of adult professional outfits and children's clothing and resources.
Navigation Games
To get people outside, we've created orienteering courses throughout the city of Cambridge to get you and your family outside and moving around. Check out our map courses on our website!
We offer a progression of map navigation activities for home-schooled students who want to learning individually or in a group.
Karaya Implementation Consulting Coop LLC and Equity Roadmap
We understand the importance of community and the power of compassion. As a 100% volunteer-run program, we are committed to supporting vulnerable individuals and families in Cambridge, MA.
Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee (CEOC)
We can help you with applying for health insurance like MassHealth, Health Connector plans, Health Safety Net, Medicare and dental plans through the Massachusetts Health Connector.
Little Folks Fellowship Nursery School
We are a caring, Christian community for pre-school children.
Cambridge Public Library
We provide summer reading book recommendations; activities for children, teens, and adults; live events; as well as prizes and giveaways throughout July and August.
Global Children School of Cambridge
We are a multilingual and multicultural preschool and kindergarten with afterschool and summer offerings in Central Square. We specialize on Early Global Education and Teachers growth.
Massachusetts Avenue Baptist Church
Project Manna Epic Program operates a food pantry to provide assistance, aimed at increasing the nutritional competency of needy families in our community.
Sarah Thomas's Family Child Care
We provide child care in a nurturing, safe, and fun learning environment. Children participate in all sorts of indoor and outdoor activities throughout the day.
We offer high quality, humanistic ballet education and training for children of all levels age 3 and up.
Known as universal preschool, we provide free preschool to Cambridge 4 year-olds and some 3 year-olds beginning in September.
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