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Cambridge Office of Early Childhood (OEC)
Here is a list of all the licensed childcare centers in Cambridge (and some in Somerville).
Registration required
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Here is a list of all the licensed, private individual childcare options in Cambridge (and some in Somerville).
A home visiting programs' primary purpose is to support and encourage parents and caregivers, share information, and connect families with resources in their home and/or a convenient location.
Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR)
As part of our effort to enhance our state's natural, cultural, and recreational destinations, this search tool allows you to find a list of all our pools near your area.
Exceptional Lives, Inc.
This free, easy-to-read online Guide is for parents of children aged 0-3 who may need special services to help with their development.
The Network/La Red
Safehome: Up to 1 month stay in a confidential location for an individual or family. Transitional Housing: Up to two years of rental assistance for up to 16 survivors and their families.
Agenda for Children Literacy Initiative
We visit moms and dads of young children at a convenient location to share information about early literacy development, talking and reading with children, and community resources.
Harvard Brillante Academy
We are a daycare center for children ages 0-5.
Karaya Implementation Consulting Coop LLC and Equity Roadmap
We understand the importance of community and the power of compassion. As a 100% volunteer-run program, we are committed to supporting vulnerable individuals and families in Cambridge, MA.
Application required
Salvation Army
We provide an daycare and preschool center for families in-need, particularly those trying to break the cycle of homelessness and attain self-sufficiency.
Cambridge Public Library
We provide summer reading book recommendations; activities for children, teens, and adults; live events; as well as prizes and giveaways throughout July and August.
Melissa Lee's Child Care
We provide child care in a nurturing, safe, and fun learning environment in my home. Children participate in all sorts of indoor and outdoor activities throughout the day.
Annette Taylor's Child Care
Laura Clarke Family Child Care
Reina Calle Family Child Care
Winsome Barnes Family Child Care
We offer lots of free events throughout the year for people of all ages with a love of learning!
Riverside Community Care
Riverside Early Head Start is a comprehensive early childhood program that partners with parents to promote children’s healthy development.
Cambridge Police Department
We provide services to community members who are better served through social justice approaches and early interventions.
We investigate domestic related assaults and abuse incidents and provide an advocate to help survivors obtain community services and develop safety plans.
Bright Horizons
We provide developmentally appropriate childcare programs with an academic foundation that allows to build their strengths and succeed in school and in life.
Heading Home
We provide shelter, transitional & permanent housing + support services to extremely low-income homeless/formerly homeless adult individuals & families with children in Cambridge & Greater Boston.
Jewish Family and Children's Service (JF&CS)
We promote the earliest parent-child relationships by helping parents manage the care of a new baby.
Cambridge Health Alliance
The Cambridge Doula is a home visiting program available to all expecting parents who are Cambridge Health Alliance patients.
Agenda for Children Literacy Initiative and Center for Families
Cambridge Dads was created to increase fatherhood engagement in programming. The program strives to ensure dads are engaged, informed, and feel supported in their role as parents.
Cambridge Public Health Department
Our programs serve to improve awareness of the importance of oral health to overall health by providing oral health education, dental screenings, and assistance with access to care.
This unit investigates sexual crimes and provides support and social services to survivors of sexual crimes.
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