Free Tutoring and Mentoring for CPS high schoolers [CRLS, HSEP]
CSV offers free tutoring and mentoring to CRLS and High School Extension Program students.
Sign-up Information
Ages: 14 to 18.
Grades 9th grade through 12th grade.
Cambridge residents only.
Cambridge Public Schools high school level students only.
Registration required
- Sign-up is ongoing
This Program is free!
- Both in-person and virtual (online or over the phone).
459 Broadway Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
United States
Dates and Times
This is an ongoing program.
Monday through Friday.
Morning and Afternoon.
Before-school or afternoon sessions available. Remote/virtual sessions are a possibility. We take into account your schedule, as well as the specific help you need, when matching you to one of our volunteer tutors or mentors.
Additional information
Request a screened, trained volunteer tutor in any subject or several subjects. Tutoring and mentoring is free. You can request morning tutoring from 8:00 to 8:30 a.m., afternoon tutoring from 3:15–4:15 p.m..
College and Career Mentoring is available for seniors on Wednesdays after school in the CCRC. Sign up as early in the school year as you can!
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Last updated May 22, 2024.