CSV Learning Centers

We provide Learning Centers that serve students in Grades 6–8 who are referred by their teachers for one-to-one tutoring after school.
Sign-up Information
Ages: 11 to 15.
Grades 6th grade through 8th grade.
Eligibility is based on grade level (6th-8th) and not age. Typically students are referred by a teacher or staff member at their school.
Wheelchair accessible.
Accessibility is the accessibility of the school where a Learning Center is located.
Registration required
- Sign-up is ongoing
Caregivers interested in enrolling their students should speak with the student's teacher. CSV works with families to enroll students. We will contact the caregivers of students referred to the program. There is no specific deadline.
This Program is free!
- In-person only.
100 Putnam Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
United States
840 Cambridge Street
Cambridge, MA 02141
United States
70 Rindge Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02140
United States
Neighborhood 9
158 Spring Street
Cambridge, MA 02141
United States
East Cambridge and Wellington Harrington
15 Upton St.
Cambridge, MA 02139
United States
- Transportation provided from the venue; see notes below.
Students can take the late bus home (provided by CPS) at 4:30 PM.
Dates and Times
This program runs during the school year.
Monday and Tuesday and Thursday.
Program begins immediately after school and ends in time to take the late bus, the schedule is set with each upper school and Amigos, typically October through May.
Additional information
This program includes: Homework help, organization, mentoring, social-emotional learning, academic support, skill building, and time-management.
Learning Centers are located at the four public middle (upper) schools in Cambridge and at Amigos (K–8) School. CSV staff recruit, screen, train, and match tutors with individual students. CSV provides on-site staff support and collaborates with each school. Each Learning Center operates once a week, after school, from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.
Ask your child's teacher if you'd like them to be referred for participation.

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Last updated August 16, 2024.