Boston Area Rape Crisis Center Case Management

We work directly with survivors of sexual assault, harassment, and abuse and their loved ones to assist with their immediate and long-term health, housing, financial, and safety needs.
Sign-up Information
Ages: 12 to 18 and Adults.
Translation services available - Contact the organization for more details. and Wheelchair accessible.
To request services, people with hearing disabilities can use Mass Relay: dial 800-439-0183 (TTY users: 800-439-2370), and ask to connect to 617-492-8306. For more information on accessibility at BARCC, visit our website.
No application or registration needed.
This Program is free!
- Only virtual (online or over the phone).
99 Bishop Allen Drive
Cambridge, MA 02139
United States
The Port
989 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
United States
Outside Cambridge
24 Crescent St.
Suite 202
Waltham, MA 02453
United States
Outside Cambridge
Dates and Times
This is an ongoing program.
Monday through Friday.
Morning and Afternoon.
Additional information
Our Case Management program includes providing information and comprehensive support to survivors in accessing health insurance, housing funds, emergency shelter, victim compensation, public benefits, and more. The program also advocates for policy changes that further economic justice for survivors.
Request Case Management services online at or call 617-492-8306.

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Last updated May 28, 2021.