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Cambridge Office of Early Childhood (OEC)
Here is a list of all the licensed, private individual childcare options in Cambridge (and some in Somerville).
Registration required
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Cambridge Public Schools
We offer a variety of services, supports and programs dedicated to ensuring equitable access and success for students who have a documented risk of regression during the summer months.
Margaret Fuller Neighborhood House (MFNH)
We offer a food services program that provides emergency food to over 16,000 individuals and families each year.
Cambridge Police Department
Our cadet training program is a paid, benefitted full-time position with a two-year commitment for Cambridge residents between ages of 18-23 who are interested in pursuing a career in public safety.
Parkour Generations Boston
This program is designed to help youth to acquire the professional skills and coaching experience needed for working within the parkour industry, while also building valuable professional skills.
Phillips Brooks House Association
We bring together students from Harvard College and surrounding universities with kids from Cambridge's different neighborhoods.
Office of Workforce Development (OWD)
We offer summer jobs to Cambridge teens, from age 14 through the summer after they graduate high school.
Application required
The Network/La Red
Safehome: Up to 1 month stay in a confidential location for an individual or family. Transitional Housing: Up to two years of rental assistance for up to 16 survivors and their families.
Agenda for Children Literacy Initiative
We visit moms and dads of young children at a convenient location to share information about early literacy development, talking and reading with children, and community resources.
Cambridge Camping Association
Cambridge Camping's CCAccess scholarship program makes unforgettable camp accessible to all, offering day and overnight options.
Cambridge Energy Alliance, Community Development Department, and All in Energy
We can help you get to know if 're paying too much for your electricity bill and find the best programs for you to help you save money.
Cambridge Public Health Department
We aim to create an environment that makes it easier for residents and people who work in the city to eat healthy and be physically active.
Salvation Army
We provide a shelter for men that includes counseling, meals, clothing, a medical clinic, and day programs.
The Outdoor Church
As part of our program, we hand out various combinations of sandwiches or bagged lunches, juice boxes, snacks, socks, some seasonal items, toiletry kits, and more to the community.
Boston Food Not Bombs
Restaurant prepared hot meals served primarily to unhoused persons.
Department of Human Service Programs (DHSP)
We provide free and nutritionally balanced meals to Cambridge residents 18 years of age and under. There are vegetarian and non-vegetarian options offered at all meal sites!
St. Paul's AME
Our food pantry has been servicing the community for more than 40 years.
Known as universal preschool, we provide free preschool to Cambridge 4 year-olds and some 3 year-olds beginning in September.
Cambridge Housing Authority
We are a comprehensive after-school educational enrichment and work-readiness program for low-income teens in Cambridge public housing.
Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services
Assist older adults with transportation to and from clinics so that they can keep much-needed medical appointments for screenings and treatments. This role is in high demand!
Help an older adult in Cambridge or Somerville budget and manage their finances. This program helps ensure that essential bills like rent and utilities are paid!
Just A Start
We preserve and maintain affordable apartments that are home to low and moderate income Cambridge residents. Property management and community coordinators help ensure that everyone feels at home.
Riverside Community Care
Riverside Early Head Start is a comprehensive early childhood program that partners with parents to promote children’s healthy development.
Massachusetts Department of Housing & Community Development
In addition to shelter, we offer case management, workshops and trainings, supplemental resources, seasonal support, and more to 126 families in shelter.
We provide several support services for senior citizens in Cambridge each year including regular outreach meetings, education on common scams or general safety, and our Secret Santa for Seniors event.
Our teen support text line connects young people up to age 24 with a peer they can talk to when they feel lonely, depressed, overwhelmed, or suicidal.
Massachusetts Promise Fellowship
MPF is recruiting Fellows to serve youth in grades 6-12 in schools, city agencies, and nonprofits across the state! Apply today!
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