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Cambridge Public Health Department
Our guide is a great way to learn about and connect to free and low-cost foods in Cambridge.
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Margaret Fuller Neighborhood House (MFNH)
We offer a food services program that provides emergency food to over 16,000 individuals and families each year.
Registration required
The Network/La Red
Safehome: Up to 1 month stay in a confidential location for an individual or family. Transitional Housing: Up to two years of rental assistance for up to 16 survivors and their families.
We aim to create an environment that makes it easier for residents and people who work in the city to eat healthy and be physically active.
The Outdoor Church
As part of our program, we hand out various combinations of sandwiches or bagged lunches, juice boxes, snacks, socks, some seasonal items, toiletry kits, and more to the community.
Boston Food Not Bombs
Restaurant prepared hot meals served primarily to unhoused persons.
Department of Human Service Programs (DHSP)
We provide free and nutritionally balanced meals to Cambridge residents 18 years of age and under. There are vegetarian and non-vegetarian options offered at all meal sites!
St. Paul's AME
Our food pantry has been servicing the community for more than 40 years.
Cambridgeport, Mid Cambridge, Riverside, and The Port
Mid Cambridge, Neighborhood 9, Riverside, and West Cambridge
We are a church providing services outside of Central, Harvard, and Porter Squares geared towards street outreach year-round, in all seasons and all weather.
We are a worldwide movement that first started in Boston, MA. We provide free vegan and vegetarian meals to people who are hungry.
The Port
We protect and promote the health of everyone in Cambridge through services, information, policies, and regulations.
The mission of the Margaret Fuller House is to strengthen and empower youth, families, and community residents.
At St. Paul AME Church, God has empowered and equipped us to develop a variety of ministries.
Faith Lutheran Church welcomes you. Come and see for yourself what God is doing in this place. We worship at 10:00 am every Sunday.