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Cambridge Health Alliance
We provide nutritional counseling, healthy food benefits, workshops, education, breastfeeding support, and referrals to health and community resources at no cost to eligible Massachusetts families.
Registration required
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Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA)
SNAP benefits are provided by the federal government and administered by DTA.
Applied Behavior Institute
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy for individuals across the spectrum with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis.
Application required
Riverside Community Care
Supports families through home-based evaluations and services for children up to age 3 with or at risk for developmental delays.
We serve LGBTQ+ youth through support, health, advocacy, education, and resources. We are committed to social justice and creating, sustaining, and advocating for services for LGBTQ youth.
Casa Myrna
We are Boston’s largest provider of domestic violence awareness efforts and of shelter and supportive services to survivors.
Health Care for All
The Helpline is here to answer your questions about health insurance in Massachusetts and troubleshoot issues with state programs.
Fenway Health
Educational programs, resources, and consultation to health care organizations with the goal of optimizing quality, cost-effective health care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people
We support children and their families through the early childhood communities that care for them such as early childhood teachers, directors, and family childcare providers.
Walker Solutions
A tuition-free first step career opportunity for young adults (18-30) interested in behavioral health / healthcare / education / youth development / human service fields.
This program serves LGBTQ+ youth through support, counseling, advocacy, education, and other resources.
Justice Resource Institute
We are offering in-person HIV/STI testing, treatment, and PrEP for LGBTQ+ youth ages 16-29.
The EVA Center
This program serves women and their families looking for help escaping sex exploitation through shelter support, health, advocacy, education, emergency financial resources and more.
Project Trust
We provide addiction treatment resources, harm reduction education and supplies, navigation of medical services, and a drop-in center at 721 Mass Ave.
Greater Boston PFLAG
We provide parent, caregiver, and family support groups, a connection line, 1-to-1 matches, and additional resources to improve the lives of LGBTQ+ individuals and their allies.
Catholic Charities
This program serves families looking for help with food, rent, utilities, clothing, infant supplies, holiday assistance, refugees and immigration services, substance abuse support, and more!
Outside Cambridge
The Network/La Red is a survivor-led, social justice organization that works to end partner abuse in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, kink, polyamorous, and queer communities.
We help adults, children and families in Southeastern Massachusetts thrive with major life challenges like mental illness, disabilities, homelessness, substance use, and difficulties of aging.
We focus on a singular, powerful goal – to improve people's lives.
West Cambridge
To stop the epidemic and related health inequities by eliminating new infections, maximizing healthier outcomes for those infected and at risk, and tackling the root causes of HIV/AIDS.
For more than 100 years, Catholic Charities has continued its mission of building a just and compassionate society rooted in the dignity of all people.
Casa Myrna is Boston's largest provider of domestic violence awareness efforts and of shelter and supportive services to survivors.
We are a youth-led, adult-supported social support organization committed to social justice and creating, sustaining, and advocating for programs, policies, and services for LGBTQ youth.
We rescue fresh food that might otherwise go to waste and distribute it within the local emergency food system where it can reach those in need.
We are a survivor led organization that provides a wide range of continuous and comprehensive services for women exploited through prostitution and sex trafficking.
We promise to care for those who have served in our nation’s military and for their families, caregivers, and survivors.
We help families and friends of alcoholics. If you come to meetings and find relief, you belong.
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