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Parkour Generations Boston
This training week is designed to help youth to acquire the coaching experience needed for working within the parkour industry while building valuable professional skills and having fun!
Registration required
Karaya Implementation Consulting Coop LLC and Equity Roadmap
We understand the importance of community and the power of compassion. As a 100% volunteer-run program, we are committed to supporting vulnerable individuals and families in Cambridge, MA.
Application required
Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee (CEOC)
We can help you with applying for health insurance like MassHealth, Health Connector plans, Health Safety Net, Medicare and dental plans through the Massachusetts Health Connector.
We offer help in applying for SNAP/Food Stamps or completing annual recertifications and interim reports. We can also help you resolve problems that may lead to loss or reduction of benefits.
Have you been feeling stressed or overwhelmed? CEOC has a service to help!
Find It Cambridge
We provide a safe place for children to go after school ends.
Little Folks Fellowship Nursery School
We are a caring, Christian community for pre-school children.
Breakthrough Greater Boston
We provide six years of after-school and summer programming for middle and high school students on the path to college.
MathTalk PBC
MathTalk is seeking families with children 4-8 years old to pilot the "Math! Everywhere!" app! Families will earn "MathBuck$," redeemable at local businesses. Scan the QR code on the flier to sign up!
Lawyers Clearinghouse
We connect Massachusetts nonprofits with pro bono legal assistance, education, and resources to help them strengthen their operations and support their communities.
Harvard Brillante Academy
Chinese Immersion afterschool program in Cambridgeport/ Central Square area. Near MLK.
City of Cambridge
We help Cambridge residents access and navigate affordable housing opportunities, obtain eviction and tenant displacement prevention, and other housing related resources and services.
Cambridge Council on Aging
Join us for Whist Fridays 11:30pm -2:30pm at the North Cambridge Senior Center
Family Policy Council
CYC is a group of 14-18 year-old youth who work on projects related to the Family Policy Council's goals and topics that address the opportunity gaps in Cambridge.
The Cambridge Children’s Circle, LLC
The Cambridge Children’s Circle offers small play-based vacation week and summer programs rooted in fostering young children’s social and emotional development and getting outdoors.
Community Development Department
We provide professional support related to zoning policy, urban design, and the work of the Cambridge Planning Board. Our staff consult with residents, business owners, developers and city agencies.
École Française de Boston (EFB)
We are a non-profit organization offering high-quality and engaging education in French for francophone families in greater Boston.
Adolescent Consultation Services (ACS)
We work to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline by offering children mental health services that improve their long-term health and well-being.
Cambridge Camping Association
Join us for eight Saturdays focusing building a child's social and emotional skills including communication, cooperation, sharing, and taking turns. Transportation, lunch, and a snack included.
A week-long introductory art camp designed for campers ages 10-14
Cambridge Camping's CCAccess scholarship program makes unforgettable camp accessible to all, offering day and overnight options.
Cambridge Public Health Department
We aim to create an environment that makes it easier for residents and people who work in the city to eat healthy and be physically active.
Riverside Community Care
Supports families through home-based evaluations and services for children up to age 3 with or at risk for developmental delays.
Salvation Army
Bridging The Gap enriches the lives of teenagers through a life-skills curriculum, self-improvement activities, site visits, and community service projects.
We provide support during pregnancy in the home.
We provide an daycare and preschool center for families in-need, particularly those trying to break the cycle of homelessness and attain self-sufficiency.
We provide a shelter for men that includes counseling, meals, clothing, a medical clinic, and day programs.
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