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Outside Cambridge
We help girls develop their courage, confidence, and character through community service, exploration, enrichment activities and adventures!
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Mid Cambridge
Neighborhood 9 and West Cambridge
A unified system with a strong main library and six active branch libraries each tailored to the unique needs of its neighborhood.
The Cambridge Arts Council is a city agency that funds, promotes, and presents high-quality, community-based arts programming for the benefit of artists, residents, and visitors to Cambridge, MA.
The Port
Cambridge Camping Association provides enriching and inclusive summer and school year programming for children living in under-resourced circumstances in our community.
East Cambridge
The Foundry provides space and programs for the visual & performing arts, entrepreneurship, technology, & workforce education at the intersection of East Cambridge and Kendall Square.
We have programs for boys and girls (Cub Scout Pack for K-5 children and Scout Troop and Venture Crew for 6th grade through 20 years). Join us for weekly meetings and outdoor adventures.
Outdoor programming for youth in Kindergarten through 12th grade.