Contact Find It Cambridge anytime.
Cambridge Police Department
Our cadet training program is a paid, benefitted full-time position with a two-year commitment for Cambridge residents between ages of 18-23 who are interested in pursuing a career in public safety.
Registration required
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Our online platform lets you learn with teachers around the world who will bring tomorrow’s science into today’s classrooms.
Cambridge Housing Authority
We are a paid job readiness training program for teens and young adults.
Women Accelerators
Our mentoring program is a great way to cultivate professional relationships and facilitate career growth. Whether you are a mentor or a mentee we all have something to learn.
Application required
Massachusetts Promise Fellowship
MPF is recruiting Fellows to serve youth in grades 6-12 in schools, city agencies, and nonprofits across the state! Apply today!
Per Scholas Greater Boston
Our free, 13 or 15-week tech training courses include job placement & career support. We prepare you for entry-level tech jobs and next-step planning. Attend an information session before registering.
Area 2
Through rigorous and tuition-free technology training and professional development, we prepare adults for successful careers in technology, and create onramps to businesses in need of their talents.