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Cambridge Volunteers
We work with 175+ diverse agencies in Cambridge and beyond. These agencies rely on community volunteers to help deliver services, support operations, or lead on their boards of directors.
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Cambridge Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) and Cambridge Public Schools
We have several support groups, meetings, and events happening virtually for parents and their children.
Cambridge Office of Early Childhood (OEC)
A home visiting programs' primary purpose is to support and encourage parents and caregivers, share information, and connect families with resources in their home and/or a convenient location.
Cambridge Police Department
Our cadet training program is a paid, benefitted full-time position with a two-year commitment for Cambridge residents between ages of 18-23 who are interested in pursuing a career in public safety.
Registration required
Our online platform lets you learn with teachers around the world who will bring tomorrow’s science into today’s classrooms.
LGBTQ+ Commission
This guide is an overview of some of the organizations that serve to support LGBTQ+ older adults. There are local organizations, national organizations, and other information.
Cambridge Housing Authority
We are a paid job readiness training program for teens and young adults.
Parkour Generations Boston
We host parkour classes for all ages and abilities throughout Cambridge and Somerville every week!
Family Policy Council
Our alternative resource is curated by youth for youth to help destigmatize conversations around mental health through our welcoming, fun and approachable campaign.
Agenda for Children Literacy Initiative
We visit moms and dads of young children at a convenient location to share information about early literacy development, talking and reading with children, and community resources.
Navigation Games
To get people outside, we've created orienteering courses throughout the city of Cambridge to get you and your family outside and moving around. Check out our map courses on our website!
Lawyers Clearinghouse
We connect Massachusetts nonprofits with pro bono legal assistance, education, and resources to help them strengthen their operations and support their communities.
Women Accelerators
Our mentoring program is a great way to cultivate professional relationships and facilitate career growth. Whether you are a mentor or a mentee we all have something to learn.
Application required
Bisexual Resource Center
We support Bi+ folks and their loved ones with support groups and resources. We advocate for bisexual visibility and raises awareness about bisexuality throughout the LGBT and straight communities.
Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services
Assist older adults with transportation to and from clinics so that they can keep much-needed medical appointments for screenings and treatments. This role is in high demand!
Help an older adult in Cambridge or Somerville budget and manage their finances. This program helps ensure that essential bills like rent and utilities are paid!
CDD Economic Opportunity and Development Division (EOD)
We partner with local businesses and organizations to sponsor free events in parks across the city.
Cambridge Public Library
We offer a monthly delivery of library materials to Cambridge residents who are unable to visit a library due to short- or long-term disability or infirmity.
Riverside Community Care
Riverside Early Head Start is a comprehensive early childhood program that partners with parents to promote children’s healthy development.
We provide several support services for senior citizens in Cambridge each year including regular outreach meetings, education on common scams or general safety, and our Secret Santa for Seniors event.
Jewish Family and Children's Service (JF&CS)
We help aging individuals and their families navigate life transitions and changing circumstances through a variety of support services.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts
This is our traditional program where adult mentors are paired with children ages 7-12. Bigs agree to meet Littles for 3 hours, a couple of times a month.
The Welcome Project
We provide language and interpretation classes, youth programs, multicultural community events, and other supports for immigrant families, regardless of status.
Belmont World Film
We screen international feature films, documentaries, animation, and shorts from traditional film presentations. Our calendar reflects all of our upcoming events.
Cambridge Public Health Department
We provide services related to substance use, harm reduction, education and mental health support.
We promote the earliest parent-child relationships by helping parents manage the care of a new baby.
Massachusetts Promise Fellowship
MPF is recruiting Fellows to serve youth in grades 6-12 in schools, city agencies, and nonprofits across the state! Apply today!
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