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Cambridge Office of Early Childhood (OEC)
Here is a list of all the licensed childcare centers in Cambridge (and some in Somerville).
Registration required
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Here is a list of all the licensed, private individual childcare options in Cambridge (and some in Somerville).
A home visiting programs' primary purpose is to support and encourage parents and caregivers, share information, and connect families with resources in their home and/or a convenient location.
East End House
We can provide some essential food and materials for infants for families affiliated with East End House who are struggling to meet the basic needs of a newborn.
Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR)
As part of our effort to enhance our state's natural, cultural, and recreational destinations, this search tool allows you to find a list of all our pools near your area.
Cambridge Health Alliance
We provide nutritional counseling, healthy food benefits, workshops, education, breastfeeding support, and referrals to health and community resources at no cost to eligible Massachusetts families.
Exceptional Lives, Inc.
This free, easy-to-read online Guide is for parents of children aged 0-3 who may need special services to help with their development.
Karaya Implementation Consulting Coop LLC, Equity Roadmap, and Cambridge Public Schools
Come shop for FREE at our clothing giveaways! ALL are welcome.
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
2:30PM – 5PM
MIT Open Space Programming
Enjoy a selection of local, family-owned and operated food trucks every Tuesday through Thursday in the Kendall/MIT Open Space, with plenty of outdoor seating options available!
The Network/La Red
Safehome: Up to 1 month stay in a confidential location for an individual or family. Transitional Housing: Up to two years of rental assistance for up to 16 survivors and their families.
Agenda for Children Literacy Initiative
We visit moms and dads of young children at a convenient location to share information about early literacy development, talking and reading with children, and community resources.
Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee (CEOC)
We can help you with applying for health insurance like MassHealth, Health Connector plans, Health Safety Net, Medicare and dental plans through the Massachusetts Health Connector.
Cambridge Public Health Department
We aim to create an environment that makes it easier for residents and people who work in the city to eat healthy and be physically active.
Riverside Community Care
Supports families through home-based evaluations and services for children up to age 3 with or at risk for developmental delays.
We provide support during pregnancy in the home.
Salvation Army
We provide an daycare and preschool center for families in-need, particularly those trying to break the cycle of homelessness and attain self-sufficiency.
Massachusetts Avenue Baptist Church
Project Manna Epic Program operates a food pantry to provide assistance, aimed at increasing the nutritional competency of needy families in our community.
DHSP Community Schools
Join us at local parks for free, family-friendly activities, performers, and entertainment this summer!
Riverside Early Head Start is a comprehensive early childhood program that partners with parents to promote children’s healthy development.
Cambridge Police Department
Make arrangements to learn about car seats and have your child safety seats checked for proper installation.
Our Primary Care experts can help you and your family live your healthiest lives. We offer Primary Care, Women's Health services, our PACE Program for older adults, and our CHA Pharmacy.
We provide services to community members who are better served through social justice approaches and early interventions.
We investigate domestic related assaults and abuse incidents and provide an advocate to help survivors obtain community services and develop safety plans.
Heading Home
We provide shelter, transitional & permanent housing + support services to extremely low-income homeless/formerly homeless adult individuals & families with children in Cambridge & Greater Boston.
Application required
Harvard University
We are a student-run civil legal aid organization committed to providing free representation to low-income and marginalized communities in the Greater Boston area.
Jewish Family and Children's Service (JF&CS)
We promote the earliest parent-child relationships by helping parents manage the care of a new baby.
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