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Cambridge Office of Early Childhood (OEC)
A home visiting programs' primary purpose is to support and encourage parents and caregivers, share information, and connect families with resources in their home and/or a convenient location.
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Cambridge Health Alliance
We provide nutritional counseling, healthy food benefits, workshops, education, breastfeeding support, and referrals to health and community resources at no cost to eligible Massachusetts families.
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The Network/La Red
Safehome: Up to 1 month stay in a confidential location for an individual or family. Transitional Housing: Up to two years of rental assistance for up to 16 survivors and their families.
Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee (CEOC)
We can help you with applying for health insurance like MassHealth, Health Connector plans, Health Safety Net, Medicare and dental plans through the Massachusetts Health Connector.
Cambridge Public Health Department
We aim to create an environment that makes it easier for residents and people who work in the city to eat healthy and be physically active.
Riverside Community Care
Supports families through home-based evaluations and services for children up to age 3 with or at risk for developmental delays.
Riverside Early Head Start is a comprehensive early childhood program that partners with parents to promote children’s healthy development.
Our Primary Care experts can help you and your family live your healthiest lives. We offer Primary Care, Women's Health services, our PACE Program for older adults, and our CHA Pharmacy.
Cambridge Police Department
We investigate domestic related assaults and abuse incidents and provide an advocate to help survivors obtain community services and develop safety plans.
Jewish Family and Children's Service (JF&CS)
We promote the earliest parent-child relationships by helping parents manage the care of a new baby.
The Cambridge Doula is a home visiting program available to all expecting parents who are Cambridge Health Alliance patients.
This unit investigates sexual crimes and provides support and social services to survivors of sexual crimes.
SAMHSA Office of Behavioral Health
Our hotline helps prevent suicide by giving free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you and loved ones, and best practices for professionals.
Our Primary Care experts can help you and your family live your healthiest lives. We also offer Women's Health services and are home to CHA Dental Services.
We are one of two CHA acute care hospitals north of Boston.