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Parenting Journey helps parents and caregivers create stronger, more resilient families through our innovative and comprehensive parent development programs.
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The Cambridge Families of Color Coalition (CFCC) is a collective of families of color working to uplift, empower, celebrate, and nurture our students and each other, rooted in anti racism.
Area 2 and East Cambridge
We advance equity and justice strengthening the Cambridge nonprofit sector, building collective voice, and promoting collaboration throughout the community.
North Cambridge
We are a collaborative office implementing the Cambridge Preschool Program and helping families find early childhood supports. Our work and team are shared jointly by CPS and the City of Cambridge.
We're open to anyone for whom woman is a meaningful identifier or lived experience. We offer a safe space for learning, emotional support, empathy, and empowerment through self-determination.
East Cambridge
We holistically support the education achievement and overall wellness of under-resourced children and families.
Mid Cambridge
DHSP strives to meet the needs of residents through our extensive services from newborns to senior citizens, from school aged children to homeless families, from non-profits to local employers.
The mission of the Cambridge YMCA is to promote and inspire life-long development for children, adults and families through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all.
We work with and for the Brazilian, Cabo Verdean, Portuguese and other Portuguese-speaking communities to increase access and remove barriers to community needs, services, and success.
A unique 6. 5 square mile community with a strong mix of cultural, demographic and social diversity.
Outside Cambridge
We focus on a singular, powerful goal – to improve people's lives.
Area 2, East Cambridge, The Port, and Wellington Harrington
Free early literacy program for all families in Cambridge with children birth to 8 years.
We provide free legal services to low income residents of Cambridge, Somerville, Arlington, Woburn and Winchester in civil legal matters including denials for public benefits claims.
We provide an alternative and affordable forum for resolving conflict through skilled teams of pro bono mediators, training programs in mediation and conflict management, and broad community outreach.
We offer social, cultural, educational, and recreational activities through events and regular programming.
The Port
The Boston Area Rape Crisis Center works to end sexual violence through healing and social change.
The Institute for Health and Recovery (IHR) is a statewide service, research, policy and program development agency.
We protect and promote the health of everyone in Cambridge through services, information, policies, and regulations.
Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA) is a vibrant, innovative health system dedicated to providing essential services to all members of the community.
West Cambridge
To stop the epidemic and related health inequities by eliminating new infections, maximizing healthier outcomes for those infected and at risk, and tackling the root causes of HIV/AIDS.
We provide rehabilitative and medical and clinical services through our Eastern Massachusetts network, which includes Spaulding Hospital for Continuing Medical Care in Cambridge.
We help support families transitioning from homelessness and shelters to stable housing by providing them with basic furnitire and household goods they need to create a home.
We collect used bikes and give them away for free to people who need them.
For more than 100 years, Catholic Charities has continued its mission of building a just and compassionate society rooted in the dignity of all people.
Cambridge Public Schools are built on a foundation of academic excellence and committed to promoting an environment of social justice.
We partner with communities and local farms to offer fresh, healthy, local food at farmers markets we host all over the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, including in Cambridge.
We develop and manage safe, good quality, affordable housing for low-income individuals and families in a manner which promotes citizenship, community and self-reliance.
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