Snow Removal Assistance


Cambridge Council on Aging

Image of a snow shovel.

Our programs are offered to Cambridge home owners who are are over the age of 60 or a person with disabilities. Call 617-349-6220 for more information.

Registration required

  • Sign-up is ongoing


Contact us for more information.


  • In-person only.

Dates and Times

This is an ongoing program.

Additional information

Snow Exemption Program

This program is offered to Cambridge home owners who are over the age of 60 or a person with disabilities.  There is an application process and eligibility requirements will be furnished upon request. If eligible, Recreation Staff of the Department of Human Service Programs clears the homeowner’s sidewalk only.  NO personal property is shoveled.  The staff will shovel your sidewalk once public roadways, schools, and public buildings are cleared. For more information about applying for this program please contact the  Cambridge Council on Aging.

Student Shoveler Program

Each year the Cambridge Council on Aging and the Office of Workforce Development collaborate to compile a list of Cambridge high school students who are available to shovel snow for senior citizens and persons with disabilities. Many of these students have participated in the MSYEP (Mayor’s Summer Youth Employment Program).   On average, pay for shoveling will range from $15 to $30 per job, depending on the amount of snow and size of the area being shoveled.  Homeowner’s will contact the students directly.  The pay is negotiated between the homeowner and the student, and the homeowner will pay the student directly.  It is suggested that the homeowner and the student agree on a price before the job is started. Students are required to turn off their cell phones during the school day, so please be sure to leave a voicemail so the student can return your call when school is out.  It is also suggested that you contact the student prior to snowfall to discuss their availability and other specifics. Please call or visit the Council on Aging to receive a copy of this list.

Private Snow Removal Resources

A list of local private companies that may be available to be hired for snow removal services can be provided for your convenience.  The Cambridge Council on Aging cannot certify or guarantee the professional qualities of these services.  We suggest that you call these companies as soon as possible as their availability can sometimes be limited.

Image of a snow shovel.

Snow Exemption Program

Cambridge Council on Aging


This is an ongoing program.

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Last updated April 30, 2024.