Free Delivery Service: Cambridge Bicycle Safety

Sign up to receive free deliveries. Our volunteer cyclists will pick up store orders and deliver items to seniors, vulnerable residents, disabled people, and people that live alone.
Sign-up Information
Ages: Adults.
Cambridge residents only.
You must complete the request form and meet our criteria for eligibility to receive this free service.
Registration required
- Sign-up is ongoing
This Program is free!
The cost of delivery is free, however the products or services being delivered have associated costs from distributors.
The program serves people at their homes or wherever it is needed or online.
- Only virtual (online or over the phone).
- Transportation provided to the venue; see notes below.
This service will deliver contact-less pickup requests to you if volunteer assistance is available.
Dates and Times
This is an ongoing program.
Additional information
With the current pandemic disproportionately impacting seniors and other vulnerable people, as well as dramatically impacting local businesses, Cambridge Bicycle Safety has organized a bicycle delivery service intended to help both of these affected groups.
We now have a large group of volunteer cyclists who have offered a free service to seniors and other vulnerable residents to pick up store orders by bike from local businesses that support “curbside pick-up” and “contact-less” ordering. The service allows people to order and pay in advance and then request bicycle pickup and delivery.
To request a delivery, fill out this request form or email us at More information can be found on the Cambridge Bicycle Safety web site:
To request our delivery service, you'll need to complete a request form: Click Here! or email us at!

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Last updated July 21, 2021.