Fall & Spring Microsoccer

Cambridge Family Microsoccer is a soccer program for 4-6 year-olds, who play every Saturday during our Fall and Spring seasons.
Sign-up Information
Ages: 4 to 6.
Eligibility is based on age: the child must be at least 4 years old — but no older than 6 years old — by September 1st of that school year. So, for example to be age-eligible for Fall 2023 or Spring 2024, your child should have a birth date that falls between 9/1/2017 and 8/31/2019.
If your child is slightly too young exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis.
Registration required
- Sign-up is ongoing
For registration and all official Microsoccer information, visit our Registration Information page. Registration has begun and will stay open until spots are full or it is too late into the season.
We rely on some parents to be Coaches and Assistant Coaches. Please let us know if you can volunteer to coach a team.
The registration fee changes over time. Right now it's around $115. Registrants will each be provided with an official Microsoccer shirt which is covered by the registration fee.
- Financial Aid and/or Scholarship Available
For children whose families cannot afford the regular price of the MicroSoccer program or for whom the cost would be a real hardship, we offer a range of scholarships and discounts. To find out more and receive a scholarship application, please send an email to Scholarships@Microsoccer.org or call 617-497-7180. We do not want children young children to miss the opportunity to play organized soccer due to a lack of money.
- In-person only.
106 Raymond Street
Cambridge, MA 02140
United States
Neighborhood 9 and West Cambridge
The field is directly across the street from 106 Raymond Street. Raymond Park is about a ten minute walk from Porter Square. One can walk directly up Upland Road to get to Raymond Park, which is at the corner of Upland Road and Raymond Street.
Dates and Times
This program runs during the school year.
Typically we host 2 seasons per year. The Fall Season generally runs from early September to Mid November. The Spring season usually runs mid April to early June. This spring we expect to begin April 13th.
Most years, Microsoccer has two 90-minute sessions each week. This year:
- Session 1 runs 9:00—10:30 AM
- Session 2 runs 10:30 AM—12:00 PM *(Tentative due to the number of participants and volunteer coaches).
Additional information
No experience necessary - for most of the children, Microsoccer will be their first exposure to soccer and - in many cases - any organized sport. Normally the first half of each session is taken up with introducing children to soccer through the use of drills and games (40 minutes). Then there is a short snack session (5 minutes). Finally the children will play in a scrimmage game, usually against another team. FAMILIES MUST PROVIDE THEIR OWN SNACKS AND DRINKS TO THEIR OWN CHILDREN. Each child is enrolled in one team, is expected to stay with that team throughout the season, and is expected to attend every session unless he or she is out of town, sick or in quarantine.
For general information go to www.MicroSoccer.org OR https://sites.google.com/view/cfmc-spring-2024
If you have questions about scholarships, please email Scholarships@MicroSoccer.org.

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Last updated May 1, 2024.