Cambridge History Room
We have over 200 collections and nearly 2,700 books, spanning the 17th - 21st Centuries, featuring the political and social history of Cambridge.
Sign-up Information
Ages: 14 and 15 and 17 to Adults.
There is no specific age requirement for the Cambridge History Room, but the materials are mainly suited to teen and adult patrons.
Wheelchair accessible.
The Cambridge Room’s materials are historically valuable and unavailable elsewhere. All materials are non-circulating and can only be used in the Cambridge Room. We require visitors to store their bags and outerwear in one of the lockers provided. Food, drink, and pens are not allowed in the Cambridge Room – an accidental spill or slip can permanently damage materials. We also ask that users handle all materials with care.
No application or registration needed.
This Program is free!
- In-person only.
449 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02138
United States
Mid Cambridge
Dates and Times
This is an ongoing program.
- Friday, Saturday, Sunday - Closed
- Mon - 5PM - 9PM
- Tue - 9AM - 1PM
- Wed - 1PM - 5PM
- Thu - 9AM - 1PM
Additional information
The Cambridge Room has over 200 collections and nearly 2,700 books, spanning the 17th to 21st Centuries, featuring the history of Cambridge. Most of the collections focus on the political and social history of the City and are particularly strong in the mid-20th Century to the present. Stop by our reading room on the second floor of the Main library to browse our extensive collection of books on Cambridge history or research a collection.
Plan Your Visit: Please stop by during open hours to visit our browsing collection and research our historic materials. We ask you to call ahead at 617-349-7757 to ensure a successful visit and to confirm the archivist's availability.
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Last updated July 23, 2024.