Breakthrough 7th-12th Grade College Access Program

We provide six years of after-school and summer programming for middle and high school students on the path to college.
Sign-up Information
Ages: 11 to 18.
Grades 7th grade through 12th grade.
Cambridge residents only.
Students must apply in 6th grade and commit to attend through middle and high school. Entering students must be attending a public, independent, or private school in located in Cambridge. We look for students who are serious about pursuing the goal of college and have a demonstrated need.
Refreshments provided, Translation services available - Contact the organization for more details. and Wheelchair accessible.
Registration required
- Specific dates
Sun, December 1 2024 – Tuesday, April 1
Students must be current 6th graders to apply. Our application is usually released in December and due before April. We may extend the deadline if spots do not fill up by the due date. The application can be completed in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or Haitian Creole from our Student Application Page. Families will be informed on the results of their application by no later than April.
This Program is free!
- In-person only.
459 Broadway Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
United States
- Transportation provided to the venue; see notes below.
- Transportation provided from the venue; see notes below.
During summer, Breakthrough provides transportation to and from CRLS. During the school year, Breakthrough provides transportation home from CRLS. All transporation is free.
Dates and Times
This is an ongoing program.
Monday through Friday.
Provides sessions with varying activities throughout the entire year, including over the summer. Summer session usually runs early July to mid August (8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Mondaythrough Friday).
Additional information
We generally offer academic support, community building activities, trips, and clubs.
The Middle School Program offers a fun, rigorous six week summer program as well as after-school tutoring and STEAM-focused workshops during the school year.Our day typically includes classes in all four core subjects (ELA, Math, Social Studies and Science). We host Breakfast, Lunch and Recess; and clubs in the afternoons. We take students on field trips and an overnight camping trip as well.
The High School Program consists of a high school readiness program the summer before 9th grade, after-school study time during the year, summer internship placement, and college access coaching.

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Last updated December 11, 2024.