Tree House Academy Child Care
We provide childcare that fosters a child's growth socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually.
435 Washington St
Somerville, MA 02143
Outside Cambridge
65 Beacon St
Somerville, MA 02143
Outside Cambridge
Hours of operation
Hours of operation
星期一: 7:00 上午-6:00 下午
星期二: 7:00 上午-6:00 下午
星期三: 7:00 上午-6:00 下午
星期四: 7:00 上午-6:00 下午
星期五: 7:00 上午-6:00 下午
Additional information
Our learning environment is organized by interest centers using various educational activities to promote creativity, exploration, experimentation, action and interaction. We provide a healthy, safe and learning environment in which children can grow and develop with the nurturing support and guidance of our teachers, staff, and parents.
435 Washington St
Somerville, MA 02143
Outside Cambridge
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Last updated 二月 21, 2023.