Safe Routes to School
Community Development Department
The goal of the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program is to increase the number of students who get to and from school by walking or biking.
Hours of operation
Hours of operation
월요일: 8:30 오전-8:00 오후
화요일: 8:30 오전-5:00 오후
수요일: 8:30 오전-5:00 오후
목요일: 8:30 오전-5:00 오후
금요일: 8:30 오전-12:00 오후
Additional information
The SRTS program offers bicycle and pedestrian education to Cambridge students. Training builds students' traffic safety skills and helps them navigate the city safely by foot or bicycle. In addition, training seeks to teach students why walking and bicycling are good for themselves and the environment.
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Last updated 10월 5, 2021.