Project Trust
We help anyone who is actively struggling with substance use get access to comprehensive and compassionate care without judgement.
721 Massachusetts Avenue
Boston, MA 02118
United States
Outside Cambridge
Hours of operation
Additional information
We provide addiction treatment resources, harm reduction education and supplies, and navigation to an array of medical services including primary care and urgent care services. Project Trust team is made up of compassionate community health workers, who use their lived experience to guide people in active addiction. We operate a drop-in space at 721 Mass Ave, as well as conduct outreach in the community.
The Project TRUST drop-in was started in 1988 in response to the first wave of HIV in Boston among persons who use injection drugs. We have continued with our mission to provide comprehensive services that stop the transmission of infectious diseases in those who struggle with substance use.
721 Massachusetts Avenue
Boston, MA 02118
United States
Outside Cambridge
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Last updated July 19, 2023.