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MBTA Travel Training

We teach older adults and persons with disabilities how to safely use the MBTA. Learn about safety, trip planning, asking for help, reduced fares, accessibility, and how to read maps and schedules.
MBTA logo, Black T in a circle


Office is in Boston but we serve the MBTA service area (within zone 2 of the Commuter Rail).

Hours of operation

Hours of operation
الاثنين: 8:00 ص-5:00 م
الثلاثاء: 8:00 ص-5:00 م
الأربعاء: 8:00 ص-5:00 م
الخميس: 8:00 ص-5:00 م
الجمعة: 8:00 ص-5:00 م

Additional information

Learning how to use public transportation (public transit) gives you more options for access to educational, vocational, social, and recreation opportunities. Increase your independence by learning how to ride the bus, subway, trolley, commuter rail, or ferry. Find out which subway stations, bus stops, and routes are near where you want to go. Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, also known as the T, has become more accessible over the years. 

MBTA logo, Black T in a circle

Linda Shepard Salzer

Travel Trainer

TTY: 711 for relay

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Last updated أكتوبر 19, 2020.