LGBTQ+ Commission
We advocate for a culture of respect and to monitor progress toward equality of all persons with regard to sexual orientation, and gender identity and expression through Cambridge policy and practice.
795 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
United States
Mid Cambridge
Hours of operation
- This organization does not have specific hours. You can contact them at any time.
Additional information
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Plus (LGBTQ+) Commission's mission is to advocate for a culture of respect and to monitor progress toward equality of all persons with regard to sexual orientation, and gender identity and expression. We promote policies and practices that have a positive effect on the health, welfare and safety of persons who live, visit or work in the City of Cambridge.
The Commission meets monthly and is open to the public. See our website below for details.
John Gintell
LGBTQ+ Commission Co-Chair
617-349-3355TTY: 617-349-4242
795 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
United States
Mid Cambridge
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Last updated May 20, 2024.