This Organization has not been updated in more than two years .

We recommend you try to verify information using the contact information below before making plans.

Kroka Expeditions

Kroka is a wilderness expedition school for young people based on a year-round, organic farm in Marlow,


767 Forest Rd
Marlow, NH 03456
United States


Outside Cambridge

Hours of operation

  • This organization is open every day 24 hours a day.

Additional information

New Hampshire. We believe that the consciousness and altruistic will can be brought forward through a living relationship with the natural world and by taking our places within the circle of community.

Jessie Morin

Summer Programs Coordinator


767 Forest Rd
Marlow, NH 03456
United States


Outside Cambridge

Is there anything wrong or outdated? Please let Find It Cambridge know!

Last updated August 25, 2020.