This Organization has not been updated in more than two years .

We recommend you try to verify information using the contact information below before making plans.

The Cambridge Math Circle

We give elementary and middle school students in Cambridge and surrounding towns a chance to experience deep, fascinating math and meet others who like solving puzzles and stretching their minds.
Apollonian gaskets made by Cambridge Math Circle students


Since March of 2020, all our classes meet live online. We look forward to resuming in-person classes when it is safe to do so.

Hours of operation

  • This organization does not have specific hours. You can contact them at any time.

Additional information

We facilitate weekly sessions during which students play math-related games, work on a variety of puzzles, and wrestle with Olympiad-style problems that are appropriate to their level of mathematical understanding.

Apollonian gaskets made by Cambridge Math Circle students

Cambridge Math Circle

Nataliya Yufa

More information:

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Last updated March 11, 2021.