Spotlight Tour: Beneath the Armor, with Andy Kim ’25

Andy Kim will explore the human stories behind three works featuring soldiers, inspired by his own military service.
Sign-up Information
Ages: Adults.
Wheelchair accessible.
The Harvard Art Museums are committed to accessibility for all visitors. For anyone requiring accessibility accommodations for our programs, please contact us at at least 48 hours in advance.
No application or registration needed.
This Event is free!
Please check in with museum staff at the Visitor Services desk in the Calderwood Courtyard to request to join the tour. Tours are limited to 18 people and are available on a first-come, first-served basis; no registration is required.
- In-person only.
Harvard Art Museums
32 Quincy
Cambridge, MA 02138
United States
Neighborhood 9
Dates and Times
Sun, September 8 2024 11AM – 11:50AM
Additional information
Andy Kim ’25 will explore the human stories behind three works featuring soldiers. Touching on his experience of 18 months of Korean conscripted military service, he will ask such questions as: how does military service change conscripted soldiers? How does a nation justify individual sacrifices for a greater good? What can artistic depictions of conflict tell us about the societies involved?

Sun, September 8 2024 11AM – 11:50AM
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Last updated August 27, 2024.