The Moving Image: A Look Ahead

Television, film, online video - together, the moving image - is today's most popular information medium.
Sign-up Information
Ages: 14 to Adults.
Registration required
- Sign-up is ongoing
$15 General Admission | $5 for MIT ID Holders
- In-person only.
314 Main Street
Building E-28
Cambridge, MA 02142
संयुक्त राज्य
Area 2, East Cambridge, and The Port
Dates and Times
बुधवार, मार्च 26 6PM – 8PM
Additional information
Two-thirds of the world's internet traffic is video. Americans get their news and information more often from screens and speakers than through any other means.
MIT Open Learning's Peter B. Kaufman and GBH Archives Director Karen Cariani will explore the reach and power of the moving image – and survey how much of that power is really under our control. Kaufman's 2025 book The Moving Image: A User's Manual (MIT Press) will be the starting point for a lively discussion of the medium's ascendance in education, politics, and knowledge dissemination over the decades to come.

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Last updated मार्च 6, 2025.