Modeling Everything: Science Gallery Talk


MIT Museum

An image from our MIT Collects Gallery. A long wall covered in glass display cases featuring models of airplanes, TRNA, and other tools.

The best way to know MIT is through its models.

No application or registration needed.


Free with museum admission


  • In-person only.

MIT Museum, Gambrill Center

314 Main Street
Building E-28
Cambridge, MA 02142
মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র


Area 2, East Cambridge, and The Port

Dates and Times

শনিবার, মার্চ 29 2অপরাহ্ন – 2:30অপরাহ্ন

Additional information

Models (the things) and modeling (the process) have been vital to the work (and play) of MIT from its founding.

Join associate curator of science and technology Florencia Pierri for a tour of Modeling Everything to learn about some of the models on display and see how models reveal inspiration, creativity, and a passion for discovery that are at the heart of MIT.

The gallery talk will be followed by an in-depth look in our Collections Workshop at other models from the Science collection that didn’t make the cut for the exhibition.

An image from our MIT Collects Gallery. A long wall covered in glass display cases featuring models of airplanes, TRNA, and other tools.
শনিবার, মার্চ 29 2অপরাহ্ন – 2:30অপরাহ্ন
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Kate Silverman Wilson

MIT Museum

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Last updated মার্চ 11, 2025.