Drop In Tech Help at the Library (Valente)


Cambridge Public Library


Looking for some basic computer or mobile device guidance?

Optional registration

  • Sign-up is ongoing

Registration is optional for this event. Read the event description for more information.


This Event is free!


  • In-person only.

Valente Branch Library

826 Cambridge Street
Cambridge, MA 02141
মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র


Wellington Harrington

Dates and Times

বুধবার, মার্চ 26 10পূর্বাহ্ন – 12অপরাহ্ন

Additional information

Want help using an online resource? 

Drop in tech help at Valente can assist you with signing up for low-cost home internet, setting up your computer or mobile device, making an email account, navigating websites or databases, and other basic technology assistance. 

If you would like assistance with a device, please bring the device, all cords, and any account information. 

Library staff cannot be held responsible for damage to patron-owned equipment.


If you have questions, please send them to: kmcquown@cambridgema.gov



বুধবার, মার্চ 26 10পূর্বাহ্ন – 12অপরাহ্ন
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Last updated জানুয়ারী 13, 2025.