2025 Cambridge Summer Camps for Young Children 3-6 Years Old
2025 Cambridge Summer Camps
for Young Children 3-6 Years Old
This guide contains information on summer camp opportunities for children ages 3 to 6 years old for Cambridge residents. This guide will be updated as new information about camps becomes available. Please check the Cambridge Office of Early Childhood Page on Find-It Cambridge for the most up-to-date guides.
The Mission of the Cambridge Office of Early Childhood is: to connect the Cambridge early childhood ecosystem; to align early childhood services and information; and to advocate for and advance the needs of all young children, their families, and the early childhood workforce.
Please click here to learn more about the Cambridge Office of Early Childhood.
For support in finding summer programs and questions about this guide, please contact: Yadling Richemond, Cambridge Office of Early Childhood at 617-349-6885 or yrichemond@cpsd.us
This Summer Camps Guide was compiled in collaboration with FindItCambridge.org. Find these programs and more opportunities for those who live, work and play in Cambridge! Call, text, or email Andrew Liedtka, the Find It Manager, if you need help finding summer activities and other resources. You can reach him at 617-686-2998 or info@finditcambridge.org.
Cambridge Department of Human Services
All camps run Monday-Friday from 8:30am-5:30pm
Who: Open to current Kindergarten-5th graders
Session 1: (1 week): June 30 -July 3 (closed July 4)
Session 1: (2 weeks): July 7th –18th
Session 2: (2 weeks): July 21st – August 1st
Session 3: (2 weeks): August 4th – August 15th
To Enroll:
Program Cost: Affordable fees based on a sliding scale (view tuition rates: https://www.cambridgema.gov/~/media/Files/DHSP/Summer/SummerTuition.pdf
Visit website for more information: cambridgema.gov/SummerCamps
Questions: In-person help available on Monday, February 3, Monday, February 10, Monday, February 24, and Monday, March 3 at 51 Inman St. 3rd Fl, between 5 - 7:30 p.m. Walk-ins welcome.
Contact: 617-349-6200, askdhsp@cambridgema.gov
For more information about the DHSP Summer Lottery and DHSP’s summer camps/programs, please visit www.cambridgema.gov/SummerCamps
For Location and Schedules, please visit: https://www.cambridgema.gov/Services/summercampsandprograms | |
Cambridge Public Schools
CPS SOARS! Camp (Formerly Title I)
In Person, July 8th-August 2nd, Monday-Friday, 8:30am-2:00pm
The CPS SOARS! Camp is a free summer academic support and enrichment program for Cambridge students currently in Grades K-4, who have been invited by their schools for additional support in Math and English Language Arts. Students will maintain and grow their ELA and Math skills during the summer months by participating in hands-on learning with peers.
Programs will be located at three sites: the King Open, Morse, and Peabody Schools. Students will be assigned to a program site based on their school.
Breakfast, lunch and transportation will be provided to program participants. Students must be able to participate in all four weeks of the program. Eligible students will be notified by their schools by TBD. Eligible students can register here.
Amigos SOARS! Camp
In Person, July 8th-August 2nd
A 4-week IN-PERSON program that helps rising K-8 students maintain their skills in Spanish and English Language Arts as well as Math during the summer months. Students work with experienced bilingual educators in fun, hands-on learning activities. In addition to practicing the skills they learned during the school year, students will participate in fun activities including Latin dance, art, outdoor play, and field trips. Eligible students can register here.
Office of Student Services – Summer Services & Programs
In Person, July 8th-August 2nd, | Start and End Times vary by program
Summer services through the Office of Student Services are provided to students with documented risk for significant regression during the summer months. These services are recommended by the student's IEP team, and cannot be signed up for without an IEP outlining the services needed. Questions about summer services eligibility should be directed to your school based IEP team. Details >>
ELL Summer Enrichment Program
In Person, July 8th-August 2nd, | 8:30AM - 2PM
The ELL Summer Enrichment Program is a 4-week IN-PERSON summer program for students currently enrolled in CPS English Language Learners (ELL) programs, who will be in grades 1-8. Students will receive instruction in English language development: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing, mathematics, and social skills. Transportation, breakfast, lunch and snacks will be provided.
Space is limited and registration will close on TBD. You will receive a confirmation letter of your enrollment as soon as possible after TBD. . Eligible students can register here.
If you have any questions or are unable to complete this form electronically, please call 617-349-6468 or email Eunmin Kim , Department of Multilingual Learners, at eukim@cpsd.us
Programs in Cambridge Preschools
Cambridge Ellis
Location: 80 Trowbridge Street, Cambridge
Dates/Times: June 23rd through July 18th, closed July 4th.
Primary Program Activity:
Ages served:
Cost: Please contact for rates. Financial assistance may be available. Apply for assistance here - https://sssandtadsfa.force.com/familyportal/FamilyLogin?startURL=%2Ffamilyportal
For more information:
Cambridge Friends School Summer Program
No summer programming for 2025.
Location: 5 Cadbury Road, Cambridge
Dates/Times: TBD , Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm
Primary Program Activity: Each week, explore a theme and participate in activities, games, projects, arts and crafts, and more to inspire learning and the development of new skills. In keeping with the mission of Cambridge Friends School, the Program will nurture the whole child, foster positive connections, cultivate critical thinkers and inspire compassionate leaders.
Ages served:Rising K-8th graders, ages 4-13
To enroll: Register online: cambridgefriendsschool.org/summer
Cost: Week 1: $600, Week 2: $360, Week 3-8: $600. A limited amount of financial aid is available. To apply for financial aid, please contact CFSsummer@cambridgefriendsschool.org before completing the online registration.
For more information: Contact 857-357-3313 or 617-354-3880 ext146, CFSsummer@cambridgefriendsschool.org. Visit website: cambridgefriendsschool.org/summer
Cambridge Nursery School
Location: 6 Hillside Place Cambridge
Dates/Times: June 23 – August 1, 9 am - 1 pm (No School: June 30 - July 4th)
Registration begins: End of April
Primary Program Activity: A relaxed time for children involving lots of outdoor play and nature exploration in our shady, breezy playground.
Ages served: 2.9-5 year olds
To enroll: Call (617) 547-7288, or visit website https://www.cambridgenurseryschool.org/programtuition.html
Cost: $450 per week
For more information: Contact 617-547-7288, director@cambridgenurseryschool.org Visit website: https://www.cambridgenurseryschool.org/
JAMI Rock and Roll Daycare Summer
Location: 5 locations across Cambridge
Dates/Times: July— August, 8:00-5:30 PM daily
Primary Program Activities: Lots of age appropriate activities, plus music lessons every day!
Grades/Ages Served: Ages 3 months — 6 years old for temporary summer care.
To Enroll: Contact Rock and Roll Daycare's Admissions Director, Courtney Amaral, and let her know you are looking for temporary care; admissions@jamirrdc.com
Deadline: ongoing enrollment
Cost: The cost is different amongst locations, please contact Rock and Roll Daycare's Admissions Director, Courtney Amaral for cost of care. Voucher accepted at East Cambridge and Broadway locations.
For more information: http://www.jamirrdc.com/
Passport at Cambridge Montessori School
Location: 161 Garden Street, Cambridge
Dates/Times: Sessions last 1-8 weeks (varies based on child’s age). Programming for all ages is from June 23rd-August 15th. Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm. There is no camp on July 4th. Camp will dismiss at noon on August 15th.
Primary Program Activity: Provides opportunities which introduce children to unique experiences in creative arts, music, sports, STEAM, and more.
Ages served: 18 months - 11 years old (rising 6th grade)
To enroll: Register online: cambridgemontessori.org/passport-extended-programs/passport-summer-camp
Deadline: Registration open until June 24th and if space available through the summer.
Cost: Varies
For more information: Contact Krissy Canastar, 617-308-9458, passport@cambridgemontessori.org. Visit website: cambridgemontessori.org/passport-extended-programs/passport-summer-camp
Pine Village Preschool Spanish Immersion Summer Camp
Location: 2 locations in Cambridge (Porter & Kendall Squares)
Dates/Times: Session 1: June 30th- July 25th, split into two separate sessions, from two- to five-day schedules
Primary Program Activities: Dancing, crafts, cooking, cultural exploration, and games. ¡Todos en Español!
Grades/Ages Served: Ages 15 months-6 years old
To Enroll: Register online: https://pinevillagepreschool.com/application-process/
Deadline: No deadline, summer admissions are rolling.
Cost: $1000 - $3000/session depending on your child's age and schedule.
For more information: https://pinevillagepreschool.com/
Two Little Owls Summer Explorers
Location: 501 Cambridge Street, Cambridge
Dates/Times: Monday - Friday 7:30-5:30 PM
Session 1: TBD
Session 2: TBD
Session 3: TBD
Primary Program Activities: Stem, Music, Yoga, Field trip, Water play at the park
Grades/Ages Served: 2.9 - 6 years old
To Enroll: https://www.twolittleowlsschoolhouse.com/summer-programming
Deadline: Sign up is ongoing
Cost: Full time rates Toddler $3,800; Full time rate Preschool $3,000; Full time rate Pre K $2,800. Part-time options are available. No financial assistance. Part-time options available, lunch and 2 snacks provided.
For more information: Contact 617-945-0071, director@twolittleowlsschoolhouse.com Visit our website at www.twolittleowlsschoolhouse.com
Cambridge-Based Programs
Baldwin Outback Summer Program
Location: 20 Sacramento Street, Cambridge
Dates/Times: 8 one-week sessions, July 30th-August 22rd, Monday-Friday. 8:30 AM-3:00 PM (Regular Day), 8:30 AM-5:45 PM (Extended Day)
Primary Program Activities: Choice-based program with a variety of activities including: collaborative games, arts, sports, movement, ceramics, and a once a week beach trip.
Grades/Ages Served: Rising Kindergarten - rising 6th graders
To Enroll: Register online: https://agassiz.org/childrens-programs/vacation-week-programs/
Deadline: Rolling Enrollment
Cost: Cost varies, scholarships and vouchers available
For more information: Contact Milo Proscia, 617-465-2940, registration@agassiz.org
. Visit website: agassiz.org/childrens-programs/outback-summer-program
Cambridge Adventure Day Camp
On pause for 2025. See information for CCAccess Summer Camp Scholarship Program:
Location: Nashoba Brooks School, Concord MA
Dates/Times: TBD, Monday- Friday, 9AM-3PM
Primary Program Activities: Trips to area farms, nature center, state parks, and beaches, swim lessons, tennis lessons, art, cooking, sports, and science activities
Grades/Ages Served: 5-13 years old
Eligibility: Cambridge area resident, priority given to under-resourced families
To Enroll: Register online: cambridgecamping.org/cadc
Deadline: Registration open until July, but fills up before that
Cost: Sliding scale. Includes free bus transportation within Cambridge city limits. (Please note: Cambridge Camping covers 100% of cost for all 5 year old campers to attend Adventure Day Camp).
For more information: Contact 617-864-0960, Visit website: cambridgecamping.org
Cambridge Community Center: Cowemoki
Location: Cambridge Community Center, 5 Callender Street, Cambridge, MA 02139
Dates/Times: July 1st-August 22nd 2025, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm
Primary Program Activities: Swimming, Soccer, Middle-School Hip Hop, Art Classes, Tech Lab Activities
Grades/Ages Served: JK-8th Graders, Ages 5-13
To Enroll: Enroll online at https://www.cambridgecc.org/cowemoki.html
Deadline: March 22nd
Cost: $350.00 per week/$80.00 per day, financial assistance by sliding scale, vouchers accepted
For more information: http://www.cambridgecc.org/, Latifah & Rachel, 857-357-3319 or rachelk@cambridgecc.org / latifahj@cambridgecc.org
Cambridge Daybreak Day Camp
On pause for 2025. See information for CCAccess Summer Camp Scholarship Program:
Location: Nashoba Brooks School, Concord MA
Dates/Times: TBD, Monday-Friday, 9:00am-3:00pm
Primary Program Activities: Campers enjoy 3 field trips each week and on-site activities including visiting performer workshops, crafts, biking, athletics, multicultural events and structured choice times.
Grades/Ages Served: Ages 5-13
Eligibility: Children who need a smaller setting with more adults available to support participation and connections
To Enroll: Contact Shilpa Kulkarni, 617-864-0960, shilpa@cambridgecamping.org. The Daybreak Director will meet with interested families to determine a child's eligibility for program
Deadline: Registration open until July but camp typically fills up sooner
Cost: Cost is on a sliding scale based on income, scholarships available
Transportation: School busses for pickup and drop off
Other: Daybreak believes that children learn new skills, make friends, and find success when they feel a sense of belonging and a connection to a community that celebrates who they are.
For more information: Contact Shilpa Kulkarni, 617-864-0960, shilpa@cambridgecamping.org
Visit website: cambridgecamping.org
Cambridge Youth Enrichment Program
Location: Cambridge local schools: sites unconfirmed.
Dates/Times: Registration opens February 7th. Camp dates are June 30-August 7 every Monday-Friday. The camp day is 9am-4pm but Fridays are half days until 1pm
Primary Program Activities: Day camp, learning, field trips, recreation, community
Grades/Ages Served: Rising 1st-8th graders, ages 6-13
Eligibility: Priority to Cambridge residents of affordable housing communities, or those who are free or reduced-lunch eligible
To Enroll: Register online: pbha.org
Deadline: TBD, Rolling admissions after that until camp is full
Cost: Camp costs $140 and $120 for each additional sibling. We still offer scholarships and no family is turned away
For more information: 857-209-8033, cyep@pbha.org
Visit website: pbha.org
Other: We also have several other Boston-based camps. We can refer interested registrants if CYEP fills up.
Camp Rainbow
Location: Cambridge Street Upper School
Dates/Times: July 7th-15th, Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm
Primary Program Activities: Camp Rainbow serves children and youth (ages 6-22) with disabilities by providing a super fun summer program full of outdoor activities, swimming, field trips, crafts, cooking, and more!
Grades/Ages Served: K-12th grade
To Enroll: Applications will be available online in TBD:
Deadline: Open until filled, when filled, applicants will be added to a waitlist.
Cost: $50 a week for full day and $10 a week for half day
Half day programming is only available to campers who are enrolled in the Cambridge Extended School Year Comprehensive Program.
Transportation: Yes
For more information: https://www.cambridgema.gov/DHSP/Recreation/specialneeds/camprainbow
Contact Erin Quinn, Camp Rainbow Director, at 617-892-5478 or CampRainbow@cambridgema.gov
Community Arts Center: ArtRocks!
Location: Community Art Center - 119 Windsor Street Cambridge, MA 02139
Dates/Times: TBD, (usually runs all summer, full day programming)
Primary Program Activities: Visual arts, theater, media arts, dance, outdoor exploration
Grades/Ages Served: Ages 5-12
To Enroll: Register online: schools.procareconnect.com/register/2612f3a6-04f4-4bf4-a71c-815361495032
Deadline: Registration begins April 15
Cost: Cost is calculated on an income -based sliding scale. Vouchers are accepted. For information about financial aid and scholarships, please email Michael Matfess, michael@communityartcenter.org
For more information: Website: https://www.communityartcenter.org, Contact: Jada Alleyne, Phone: 617-868-7100 x 125, Email: jada@communityartcenter.org
Crimson Soccer Camp for Girls
Location: Harvard Athletic Fields 65 N. Harvard Street Cambridge
Dates/Times: Session 1: June 30 - July 3, 2025 (4 Days) | Session 2: July 7-11, 2025 (5 Days) 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Primary Program Activities: Crimson Soccer Camps are a great opportunity for fun and soccer development. The experienced coaching staff will lead a developmental clinic with the emphasis on skill instruction in a fun environment. Current and former collegiate soccer players will support coaching staff as counselors and act as great role models for younger players.
Grades/Ages Served: 6-13 years old, girls only
To Enroll: Complete online registration form: https://portal.campnetwork.com/Register/Register.php?camp_id=397201
Deadline: Registration mid- April
Cost: $529-$619 sibling discount and multi week discount available
For more information: Contact Directors Chris and Mike, 857-362-7709, info@crimsonsoccer.us
Visit website: https://www.crimsonsoccer.us/youth-camps1.html
East End House School Age Summer Program
Location: 105 Spring St, Cambridge, MA
Dates/Times: Tentative dates June 24- August 29, Monday-Friday,7:30am-5:30pm
Primary Program Activities: Arts, crafts, pool, STEM, reading
Grades/Ages Served: K-5th graders, ages 5-11
To Enroll: Reach out to see if there is space available.
Deadline: Rolling
Cost:$50 per day, $250 weekly, scholarships available, vouchers accepted
For more information: Contact Jessica Camenzuli (Program Director) 617-876-4444, jessica@eastendhouse.org, Visit website: eastendhouse.org
JOYweavers Day Camp
Location: TBD in a Cambridge Public School
Dates/Times: July 7th-August 8th, Monday-Friday, 8:30am-2:30pm
Primary Program Activities: Crafts, sports, frequent field trips, nature, STEAM
Grades/Ages Served: Ages 5-12, (must have completed JK).
Eligibility: Program serves children who need additional support to feel successful and connected, prioritizing families with limited financial resources. Children and families involved in JOYweavers Day Camp have access to programming, resources, and events throughout year
To Enroll: Email Mia Klinger mia@joyweavers.org
Deadline: The program is full but they are taking names for waiting list
Cost: TBD, scholarships, sliding scale
Transportation: available for Cambridge and parts of Somerville
For more information: Contact Mia Klinger, 617-686-3579, mia@joyweavers.org Visit website: https://www.joyweavers.org/programming
Steve and Kates Camp
Location: 2 locations: Boston - Jamaica Plain and Cambridge
Dates/Times: June 16th-August 22nd, Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm
Primary Program Activities: Coding, Baking, Sewing, Arts & Crafts, Daily Specials & Inflatables, Water Play, Sports, Movie Making, Robotics STEM, and more!
Grades/Ages Served: Ages 4-12 (must be potty trained)
To Enroll: Register online: bit.ly/3kVNODH
Deadline: No deadline
Cost: $129 per day or $3,870 for the full summer, financial aid available for qualifying families.
For more information: 617-245-0410, cambridge@steveandkate.com Visit website: steveandkatescamp.com/cambridge
Summer @ Buckingham Browne & Nichols Classic Camps
Location: 80 Gerry’s Landing Road, Cambridge
Dates/Times: 8 weeks of camp available, June 16th-August 8th, Monday-Friday. No camp on Juneteenth or July 4th.
Day runs from 8:15am-3:30pm (Early Drop Off @ 7:15 am and Late Pick-Up @ 5:30pm available for extra fee)
Primary Program Activities: Traditional day camp experience with rotating activities each day like arts and crafts, sports, theater, hands-on fun, water play, and archery
Grades/Ages Served: Pre-Kindergarten - 10th grade
Deadline: Registration is on a first come first serve basis
To Enroll: Register online: https://bbnssummer.campbrainregistration.com/
Cost: $417-$775, scholarships available
For more information: https://bbnsummer.com/, call 617-800-2784 or email summer@bbns.org
Y.M.C.A Cambridge
Location: 820 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139
Dates/Times: June 30th - August 22nd, Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (closed July 4th, 2025)
Primary Program Activities: Swimming, weekly field trips, visits to local parks, arts and crafts, STEM activities, group games
Grades/Ages Served: Ages 5-13 (must be 5 by April 1, 2025)
To Enroll: Register online: https://ymcacambridge.sgasoftware.com/Sales/Product?ProductTypeID=600&MemberID=&FamilyID=
Cost: $300/week, prorated for July 4th week. Non-refundable deposit of $150/week required within 7 days of acceptance. Scholarships available, EEC vouchers accepted
For more information: Contact Mikhayla Rothermel, 617-607-5724, mrothermel@cambymca.org , Visit website: cambridgeymca.org/child-care/summer-program
Overnight Camp through Cambridge Camping Summer Camp Referral and Scholarship Program
Cambridge Camping works with several accredited overnight camps in New England to provide camp sessions at substantially reduced rates. Two of the camps they have partnerships with serve younger children.
A 10-day is a fun and welcoming introduction to camp life, activities, adventures and skills. For most girls, this is their first opportunity to spend time away from home and join a community of peers who, while from different places, share many common life experiences. Counselors guide girls with unconditional acceptance and understanding, as each experiment explores and builds self-confidence. Summer Campers sleep in rustic cabins with nine girls their age and three counselors. Days are filled with canoeing, kayaking, swimming, sailing, dance, land sports, photography, drama, archery, pottery, knitting, sewing, arts and crafts, science explorers and adventure day trips. Evening activities include talent shows, scavenger hunts and dancing. Each bunk group spends a night camping in a tent and roasting marshmallows for s’mores over an open fire.
Two-week sessions for youth ages 5-15. (One-week "rookie" sessions available for first-timers) Sessions are gender-specific. Cabins are assigned based on age and experience. Each week has specialized programs, hikes, and challenges. Rookie camp is ideal for first-time campers ages 5-11 years old. This session is combined with core sessions so campers can connect with the full camp community. Most rookies sign up for a full session the following year!
To Enroll: Register at https://camphale.campmanagement.com/p/request_for_info_m.php?action=enroll
For more information: cambridgecamping.org Melody Valdes, Chief Program Officer
If you are reading the print version of this guide please note that this guide is updated regularly. Please visit the Cambridge Office of Early Childhood Page on Find-It Cambridge for the most up-to-date information.
Please check out the Agenda for Children Out of School Time JK-8th Grade 2024 Summer Opportunities Guide (2025 Guide coming soon!) for summer opportunities guides for older children.